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Abuja National Theological Dialogue


Abuja National Theological Dialogue is an avenue to bring together top notch Christian leaders to discuss burning issues within the Christendom with a view to bringing clarity and foster unity amongst the diverse denominations. A communiqué endorsed by all discussants will be published at the end of each Dialogue. The program, which includes a research center, think tank, and discuss-house, will compile data, analyze issues, develop leadership, inform the public, and encourage faith-based solutions to national problems. Through this initiative, the VIITE will bring together leaders from the churches, academia, secular nonprofit organizations, corporations, foundations, government, and communities to share insights and develop solutions to address the social and moral crises plaguing the nation. VIITE understands that the church must assume a more aggressive leadership role in the renewal of our nation. Toward this end, the Church must forge new partnerships that undergird and energize the Church's significant and pivotal leadership role in the nation and communities it serves. Only by doing so can we help people strengthen their capacity to provide a higher quality of life for themselves and their families while propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Christian Leadership Training


Victory International Institute of Theology & Education equips leaders in Churches and Ministry with leadership skills to lead the Body of Christ. We design and conduct trainings, seminars and workshops in various courses on leadership for pastors, evangelists, ministers and anyone who serves in a leadership position. All trainings are Biblically based to equip and empower the leader for effective and efficient discharge of roles. Anyone involved in ministry with a p o s i t i o n o f l e a d e r s h i p c a n p a r t i c i p a t e . Many churches are seriously broken and handicapped by well-meaning men and women who have never learned the principles of leadership. Callings alone may not necessarily fully prepare a ministry worker for service though God always qualifies the call, the onus lies on the minister to develop himself by studying and seeking counsel. Most church leaders are realizing that to be effective in the proclamation of the gospel, they need development in leadership and communication skills. We know that there is no course or book on the subject, which can provide a ministry worker with all the information they need to be successful in leading others. However, the principles of leadership can be used as a tool for the glory of God. Leadership Development through the Word is a set of tools, for spiritual leaders to use for the growth of the church.

National Bible Competition


The National Bible Memorization & Quiz Competition is an annual Bible competition among secondary school nationwide using the bible as the subject of study and questions. Contestants are divided into categories based on age and educational level. Questions are typically from all book of the bible with varying levels of difficulty for the different age groups. National Bible Competition was created and designed to help children develop a deep affection for the scriptures and an understanding that its truth can guide their everyday lives. The competition presents a fun and exciting way to inspire students to study and understand the all-important truths in God's Word. Through cooperative learning, children work together on a school basis to become skilled at and appreciate the contents (Rhema and Logos) of the Bible. The schools then compete against each other in a fun quizzing match. At VIITE, we believe this competition will be a good discipleship program in children's ministry.


Entrepreneurship Development


Entrepreneurship is a link field between academic pursuit and real world application. Initiating and implementing good business ideas backed by spiritual experience will be a transforming factor in Nigeria today. VIITE will deploy structures, resources and personnel that will empower future generations of entrepreneurs to become more successful and finance kingdom projects. At VIITE, we believe that the proclamation of the gospel comes in both word and deed; the two cannot be separated (Matt 25-28). The situation in Nigeria where corruption and bad business practice is the order of the day, Christians must evolve means to do business in a clean and proper way even in the midst of the perverse situation we find ourselves in. We must teach believers innovative ideas of how to become engaged and do business from God's perspective It is the responsibility of the Christian to identify where God is at work and participate in what he is doing with concerted efforts to proclaim Christ's redeeming work at all times. Thus, it is necessary to have a solid theological foundation coupled with entrepreneurial skills in order to address the nation's social problems.


Degree, Diploma and Certificate Programmes



VIITE offers post-secondary, certificate and diploma programs to mature believers and clergy who wish to complete their ministerial education or enter ministry as pastors, teachers, evangelists, apostles and prophets in the work of ministry.


The beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that it meets you right where you are, right now. And when you accept His gift of salvation, you have instant access to the Holy Spirit, for life, for power and for on-the-job training! Just as Jesus took His message to the masses and made it relevant to their everyday lives, VIITE strives to make Biblical education easily accessible to people from works of life. Some of the programs to be offered include the following among others:



  • Bachellor of Art Christian Theology


The B. A. Christian Theology is directed at preparing men and women who have chosen to make theology and related fields their calling for leadership positions in the Nigerian Church and Society. The vision of the programme is to provide cost-effective theological education through the flexible mode of education that add life-long value for all who are ready to be trained as such. This is consistent with the vision and mission of the Institute.



  • Diploma in Theology


This course is an introduction to Christian theology that will address the essentials of traditional Christianity such as the supremacy of love in both vertical and horizontal relationships, the theology of the Apostle’s Creed, the nature and character of the Bible (bibliology), the doctrine of God (theology proper), the person and work of Christ including His death, burial, and resurrection (Christology), the person and work of the Holy Spirit (pneumatology), the doctrine of man, sin and salvation (angelology, hamartiology, and soteriology), the nature, mission and role of the Church (ecclesiology), and a description of end times scenarios (eschatology).


  • B.Sc Mass Communication


This combined lecture/discussion course introduces students to the interlinked entertainment, strategic communication, and journalism aspects of our mass media, and to the broad theoretical, historical, and critical perspectives that mass communication scholars use to understand and analyze these media processes. This course also fulfills the campus Communications requirement for refining your communication skills through written assignments, peer review, and revision. For those students considering careers in the media, this course should help you make informed decisions about your professional life and will serve as the prerequisite to entering the School of Journalism and Mass Communication.


  • B.Sc Political Science


In this course, you will be introduced to what Politics is all about. In your day to day activities, you must have heard of the word Politics without actually understanding its meaning. What do you think is Politics? This question has been asked many times in every age before the birth of Jesus Christ – when the Greeks first introduced the idea of the ‘polis’ meaning city-state. It is from ‘polis’ that we derive our modern word politics. Aristotle (384-322 BC) in his book POLITICS first used the term politics to refer to the affairs of a Greek city-state. Aristotle observed that ‘man by nature is a political animal’. By this he meant that the essence of social existence is politics and that two or more men interacting with one another are invariably involved in a political relationship.


  • B.A English Language


In this course, you will learn about some definitions, domains and status of language. You will readily agree that language is important in any human society- it gives order and meaning to society. Can you imagine a language-less society of human beings? Really, that would be a meaningless society devoid of meaningful existence, a society of disorder, anarchy, hopelessness, helplessness and so on. Such a society will simply be an animal society. Indeed, language is one of the major things that distinguish human beings from the lower animals. With the possession and use of language man becomes a social being, capable of reasoning and socializing, among other things. Because of its importance, therefore, the study of language becomes worthwhile.


  • B.Sc Criminology and Security Studies


B.Sc. Criminology and Security Studies equips students with criminological theories and research that empower them to carry out, with minimum supervision, advance work in areas such as the social construction of crime, sentencing and treatment of offender, penology, victimology, criminal justice and other contemporary issues of crime such as gender and crime, class and crime, dynamics and the criminality of law enforcement. We also equip them with the principles of security practice and management, technical and electronics aspects of security, information system security and basic security threats. In addition the program also provides students with the skills and the needed platform to interrogate investigate and analyse criminal tendencies necessary for further graduate study.


  • B.Sc Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution


A beginner in the field of peace studies and conflict resolution usually perceives or sees conflict as something negative that should be avoided like the plague. Although, due to individual differences, conflict is an inevitable and recurrent fact of life. We should therefore develop our understanding of conflict and its positive management. It is important for you to learn about the theories and empirical studies conducted by scholars or researchers in the area of social conflicts to have comprehensive understanding of the various school of thoughts and their diverse views and opinions in this unit. The rationale for the study of these theories is to enable you identify the strengths and weakness of the previous work done in the past in relation to the protracted contemporary issues of social conflicts coupled with arrays of various emerging conflicts at all levels of every society worldwide.



Local/International Affiliation


Victory International Institute of Theology & Education is now affiliated to National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) on the courses enumerated above and still seek to affliate with one of the top rated and recognized Christian University in the United States of America. We are already concluding the process of Affiliation with another well recognized university in Nigeria to award Post Graduate Degree in Theology.





We seek government and spirited individual sponsorship to help nurture this vision. Your financial support will enables VIITE provide its students with the intellectual, spiritual and professional skills needed to build capacity to change their world. Wherever your heart lies, whether in promoting good character or excellence in the business practice or in the renewal of our nation's commitment to biblical values, your partnership in supporting this course is celebrated and welcomed.


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